Couple Summit

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19 Ways to Improve Your Relationship while you Stay Home during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is truly unprecedented, and that can add a lot of stress and anxiety in daily life. No reliable routines, daily commute, or toilet paper? Add mandatory social isolation or quarantine into the mix, and – yeah, you’re allowed to panic a little bit. Even during the best of times, managing close quarters with your partner can put intimacy and communication skills to the test.


With these 19 tips, you won’t just survive the lockdown, you’ll thrive:


  1. Practice gratitude. Say ‘thank you’ at least 19 times a day and make sure that you really mean it – even for the small stuff.

  2. Be gentle. To balance the scales, say ‘sorry’ frequently (and honestly!) so that problems don’t build up and boil over.

  3. Put down your phones. When you’re in isolation, real social connection is precious. Designate a tech-free space to avoid digital burnout.

  4. Pick up your headphones. Audio overload is real. Give your partner several hours of silence and space every day. Headphones are a great way to signal ‘me time.’

  5. Be flexible. Literally! Try  couple’s yoga to unwind at the end of a long day.

  6. DIY date night. Sure, that swanky new restaurant is closed, but your kitchen is still open! Cook a new recipe together and uncork your favorite bottle of wine.

  7. Maintain separate routines. Do you love your independence? Hold onto it! If you usually wake up before your partner, there’s no reason that has to change now.

  8. Get competitive. Turn mundane chores and timewasters into playful competitions. The first person to mention ‘coronavirus’ has to do the dishes!

  9. Sleep more. Go ahead… hit the snooze button! Studies show that you’ll wake up happier.

  10. Talk money. Approximately 30% of marriages end over financial disagreements, and the pandemic has thrown a wrench in things. Use this time to openly express your concerns and plan a coordinated budget.

  11. Stay active. Gyms are closed, but sidewalks are still open for walks, jogs, and calisthenics. If sidewalks close, go on Youtube and follow one of the many great in-home workout coaches. Get your endorphin boost while practicing social distancing!

    1. Pam Reif, short guided workouts with a music playlist 

    2. Thenx, tough, explosive 6 pack crafting series 

    3. Alo Yoga, yoga centered but plenty of HIIT-style classes

  12. Ommmmm. If you’ve never tried meditation, now is your chance. Find your center and breathe into the moment with a guided meditation app.

  13. See other people. Virtually, of course. Combat cabin fever by setting up a Zoom party with family and Facetiming friends. Maybe even cheers over a #ZoomHappyhour?

  14. Rekindle the romance. Hold hands, cuddle during a romcom, and hop in bed before bedtime!

  15. Call time out. Pick a quiet corner that you can escape to. It’s better to call a time out instead of calling it quits.

  16. Reminisce. Think back on all of the challenges and trials that you’ve overcome together. If you made it through that, you’re strong enough for this!

  17. Eat healthy. Unprecedented times call for ice cream, chips, and wine, but only in moderation. Take advantage of the consistent daily schedule you have to create a healthy meal plan together. 

  18. Miss each other. Schedule several hours of solo time into your daily routine so that you can look forward to a mini-reunion each night.

  19. Take a retreat. *Shamelessly plugging ourselves* Settle in for an intensive, impactful weekend Bootcamp. Together, you can improve intimacy, learn how to argue better, and construct your conflict resolution toolbox. The Couple Summit has a downloadable Bootcamp that’s ready when you are!