Couple Summit

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How To Empower Yourself And Improve Your Relationship’s In The Process

I'd like you to imagine something. Perhaps you are reading this article on a laptop, or you're scrolling through it on your phone. Wherever you are and whatever you're doing, stop a moment. Take the luxury of a deep breath, right into the base of your belly. Now, listen to what I am about to share with you - it's for you, and you only. Roll those shoulders back.

Are you ready?

You are walking into a room. You haven't been in this room before. Its lighting is hazy and soft in a way that flatters you. You are wearing something that makes you feel incredible, and these warm lights are making that feeling even stronger. The room smells good - incense perhaps. You are aware you smell good, too. The scent is expensive perfume, and it makes you feel wonderfully luxurious. You become aware that there is gentle music playing, and it brings elegance to how you move across the space. And then, across the room, you spot yourself in a mirror. You look incredible. You've never felt this attractive or this energized. You feel a rush of confidence that feels like it should have always been there. You feel great, right? Welcome to self create empowerment. If you managed to follow this little guided story, you hopefully could have been imagining yourself as the best version of yourself. This comes from a deeper inner desire to want to the best for yourself, ultimately. You want to feel valued. You want to feel validated in your worth. You want to walk into a room and feel like you belong.

This article is your loud and proud permission to love yourself as highly as you deserve.

Because we aren't often given the opportunity to prioritize ourselves highly. We aren't typically encouraged by modern culture to embrace our own value - and to enjoy it! Comparison culture has a strong grip with the presence of social media and the screen-based world. However, it is vital to do so in order to not only take care of ourselves but each other. They say we cannot feed others from an empty bowl, and this is absolutely right. By trying to share love and care with your partner when you are drained within yourself, you will only be heading for disconnect further down the line. In order to nurture our intimate relationships, we must first tend to our own hearts and souls. Our own wellbeing must remain a focus, no matter what else is happening in life.

Personal empowerment isn't about treating yourself occasionally or rushing to any set destination in terms of self-development. It is a practice, a series of conscientious habits, movements and small decisions taken on a consistent basis. It is choosing to accept what you offer the world and making the most of what that is. Gentle personal growth is the true heart of this approach.

So, how can you bring this into your close relationships?

When you love yourself authentically and without limit, you organically bringing positivity into the rest of your life. This includes your relationship. It will be a natural side effect that cultivates further positive energy between you and your partner. You will notice the difference it makes after only a short period of time. You might discover that you are inspired by the benefits of your practices, and it will inspire you further to keep pursuing further self-empowerment! Allowing someone in to see your most vulnerable moments and the parts of yourself you are least confident about is one of the most powerful ways you can experience intimacy with a partner. It's easy to connect on the surface, but to deeply root yourself into one another's lives involves an element of letting go of the walls you might each have built. An empowered person is far more likely to be able to take the first step towards being vulnerable with their partner, and therefore reassuring the other party that is is safe to do so. By embracing who we are, we need to accept and love the parts of ourselves we might not be the most proud of. Perhaps we have become sued to hide them from view. True empowerment doesn't involve hiding away - it is quite the opposite, in fact.

Ultimately, it's not always easy to be vulnerable. It's not easy to say to our partner, "Hey, I'm here, and I am unsure, but I want to share with you who I am" without feeling fearful or self-protective. But by having the self-empowered confidence to do so, we are opening ourselves up to more intimate connection than we might have ever imagined. You don't need to do anything all at once. As we explored earlier, self-empowerment is a continual journey and not an ultimate destination. Take your time to venture forwards, taking constant good care of yourself as you do so. Remember, you are worthy of only the highest levels of care and self-love. Don't neglect yourself in your efforts to offer your love to others. Great nurturing starts from a place of abundance. Focus on cultivating that abundance within yourself, and the rest will fall naturally into place. Book out some time for yourself in the next few days. Take time to reflect on how far you have come, and what you are most excited to explore in the future. It could be the dose of good nutrition and intimacy that your relationship has been waiting on all this time.