Maturity In Conflict

“Admit when you’re wrong. Shut up when you’re right.” 

- Dr. John Gottman 

In other words: You can be right, or you can be in a relationship.

Maintaining a good relationship means keeping your ego in check. This takes a great deal of maturity.

Proving you’re right is like trying to win a debate. However a relationship is not a debate. There are no winners or losers. If there is a “winner” in the relationship, then both partners lose.

To “win” in a relationship means compromise and cooperation. This means putting away your urge to prove your point of view is right or superior.

This also means having the maturity to admit your faults and wrongdoing.

Practicing Dr. John Gottman’s two methods “Admit when you’re wrong” AND “Shut up when you’re right” will create more stability, respect, and maturity in your relationship.⠀


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