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Are you ready for love?

We all want to be in a happy and loving relationship.  But due to our past experiences and trauma, some may be skeptical about getting into a relationship. 

There are so many reasons why you don’t feel ready enough to be involved with someone. You may not exactly be in that mind space to get into a relationship or aren’t sure yet if finding love is on the cards right now. 

Whatever our apprehensions are, deep down, we all want to be in love and be loved. We want to be appreciated, supported, loved, valued, complimented, and cherished. We want to have that special someone with whom we want to share our life.

However, we tell ourselves that we aren't ready for that yet. But ‘being ready’ is a vague, half-hearted notion which truthfully is possible only when we put our heart into it. 

This blog will help you introspect if you’re ready for love and open yourself to the idea of a new relationship.


‘Am I Ready for a New Relationship?’

We ask this question mainly because our last relationship didn’t end well.

It may be due to a recent divorce, an unsupportive and selfish partner, a recent death of a loved one, or past trauma. If such former feelings are still holding you and if you’ve mourned enough for it, then it’s time to move on.

Don’t say excuses like:

  • I just got a divorce a year back.

  • I can’t bring myself to be with anyone else.

  • I don’t think I can ever be the same way as I was before.

  • I can’t believe that someone is out there who can understand and be with me.

  • I can’t move on from my ex.

  • I don’t think I’m made for love.

We’ve heard more versions of excuses from people who stop themselves from opening to the idea of a relationship.

But you know what?

You don’t actually have to be ready for a relationship! All you just need to be ready for is to date.

When you’ve gone through a recent breakup or a trauma in your relationship, it’s understandable to feel hopeless about ever finding that right person. But who asked to find a soulmate immediately and get hitched right now?

Start slow — and at your own pace. 

Start dating those who you find interesting. Don’t pressure yourself to find that one true soulmate. Instead, enjoy dating people, getting to know them, and having fun.

A relationship shouldn’t be forced. Both partners need to naturally enter into it when they find themselves with like-minded people. So instead of analyzing if that person is ‘the one,’ take it one day at a time. Enjoy your time dating the person and only think about if you want to get on another date. Move slowly in the dating phase before jumping right into a serious relationship.

Let time take its course in making you ready for love.

This natural process will gently open you up to more possibilities and help you prepare for love.

If you are unsure about whether you can truly see yourself in a relationship, then look out for these signs.


5 Signs That You’re Ready to Be in a Relationship

1. You’re Emotionally Available.

For any relationship to work or even to start, you need to put yourself out there.

Look deep inside yourself and see if you’re ready to open up and make your feelings out in the open to the right person when the time comes.

You don’t necessarily need to bear yourself to every single person you date. But you must be ready to open up to the right one.

2. Your Happiness No Longer Depends on Others.

You need to be in a position where you no longer rely on others to make you happy.

If you’re relying on your partners, parents, or friends to support you emotionally and help you have a good time, then you need to first change that. 

You need to be emotionally independent and capable of doing stuff for yourself to keep your spirit up and make your own life exciting.

3. You’re Excited to Meet New People.

You’ll know that you’re truly ready to be with someone when you’re excited at the prospect of what lies ahead. You’re pretty open to meeting new people, talking to them, sharing your dreams, asking about theirs, and doing things together.

Even when you meet someone at the checkout counter of a grocery store or an office party, you’re willing to learn new things about the person and excited to explore the possibilities.

4. You Understand That Relationships Need Effort.

Even if you aren’t prepared to jump straight into a relationship and want to toy with the idea of dating, you need to come to terms with the fact that every relationship needs work.

And you must be willing — when the time comes — to put in your share of effort.

Every relationship needs to have a give and take. And it’s true for love too. To receive love, you must first be open to giving love. 

You should understand the person and accept them with all their flaws and give love unconditionally. 

5. You’re Ready to Accept People As They Are.

This is especially needed when you want a healthy relationship.

Don’t fall into the trap of being in love with an ‘idea’ of someone. Be realistic and understand that every person has their own share of negative traits as much as the positives. You should be open to embracing the person with all of their qualities. 

And most of all, don’t try to change people to fit into your ‘idea’ of how they should be. Instead, you need to accept them as they are. 

When you’re mature enough to reach this stage, you can avoid many problems in a relationship and have what it takes to make it work.

6. You Know the Difference Between Lust and Love.

There’s a marked difference between being in love and pure lust. 

Lust is when you’re driven by the desire for physical intimacy with the person. But you don’t form any emotional bond with them.

Love is far more than that. Love is a feeling of intense belonging, strong emotional link, extreme physical passion, and unconditional affection for the person that goes beyond lust. 

Love hinges on a collected feeling of mutual understanding, respect, trust, and passion. Love sets you free, doesn’t feel restricted, and encourages you to grow as a person individually.

So when you’re falling in love, make sure that it transcends the feeling of lust. And you’re able to feel an emotional connection with that person. 


In Conclusion

The first thing to do is to open yourself to the prospect of meeting someone instead of forcing yourself to be ready to love. 

Love is a gradual feeling that grows as you spend more time together. So you can’t just snap your fingers and fall in love immediately as you wish. So all you need to do is to be ready to date someone and be willing to explore if there is a future.