5 Reasons To Consider A Relationship Summit

No matter how enamored we might be with our spouse, partner, or lover, we can all use a third-party perspective, support, and enlightenment in our relationships today. Uniting with another person, reading their love languages, and being there for them in a way that they need can take time, energy, and insight, which is exactly what an intimacy Bootcamp hopes to provide and inspire.

If you are considering this kind of retreat for yourself, here are a few reasons why you’ll be glad you attended it:

  1. Relationship Science: Our boot camps are based on actual relationship science reports and studies. That’s right, we looked at the numbers and the findings of the greatest relationship data and advice to create a program that creatively turns the insights and data into easy to understand questions to enhance your intimacy and connection with your partner. Instead, then develop a program around purely emotions and feelings, we have based ours on clinical research and world-class knowledge that can help any relationship.

  2. DIY Style: Every couple is unique, which is why a one-size-fits-all option isn’t going to work for everyone who takes part in our intimacy retreat. Therefore, we have made it a DIY kind of program in which you and your partner can explore particular pain points for both of you over a three-day adventure. For example, kick off Friday asking each other: when have I made you feel the most loved? On Saturday, ask: what is your greatest fear about us? And on Sunday, wrap it up by asking: how can I help you become the person you want to be? Take any direction you want, explore more of what you want, and spend as much time you want.

  3. Understand Your Partner More Than Ever Before: Some people prefer to remain quiet on a daily basis. Others feel uncomfortable talking about their feelings. And yet, others may not have the time or space to talk about their feelings. In a couple’s Bootcamp, you can spend three days exploring your intimate relationship and understanding your partner on a deep, emotional level.

  4. Be Honest About Your Worries and Fears: We all have those fears that our partner will leave us, cheat on us, find someone better, etc. Being vulnerable is hard, which is why being vulnerable together will make you strong and more trustworthy of your partner. It’s important that you take the time to help ease each other out of your comfort zones.

  5. Walk Away with a Conflict Resolution Toolbox: Our couple’s Bootcamp does what society has never taught us before: how to argue constructively and kindly with our partner. You will look at how to navigate future conflicts positively so when the next fight occurs, you can resolve it calmly and speedily. 

The Couple Summit
Our curated intimate Bootcamp is designed to do one thing: bring you and your partner closer together. Here are just some of the reasons why this three-day adventure will be the best one you two ever embark on together.


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