Dr. John Gottman

Here at The Couple Summit, there are several world-class professionals whom we admire, both for their academic achievements and for the path that they've gone on to pave for themselves within the world of relationship building. For years, we studied the works of hundreds of individuals. Of those hundreds of authors, scientists, poets, researchers, and noteworthy individuals, we'd like to give extra appreciation and praise towards this specific individual. As part of our 'Masters' series, we’d like to introduce you to our fourth Master, Dr. John Gottman. 

For more than 40 years, Dr. John Gottman has remained a staple personality within the field of relationship science. Most notably, Dr. Gottman is known as the Co-Founder of The Gottman Institute, along with Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman. In addition to the institute, Dr. Gottman’s four decades’ worth of research, teachings, writings, and theories have cemented his status amongst the greatest thought leaders in the field of relationship science. His expertise alone has resulted in some of the most monumental discoveries that have helped to advance the field throughout the last number of decades. 

Who Is Dr. John Gottman?

Dr. John Gottman is an American psychologist, researcher, and clinician who holds a Doctor of Clinical Psychology, a Master of Clinical Psychology-Mathematics, a Master of Mathematics-Psychology, and a Bachelor of Mathematics-Physics. Throughout his extensive academic career, Dr. John Gottman has solidified his standing as a world-renowned researcher who has virtually pioneered the way forward for the field of relationship science with his groundbreaking studies conducted throughout the early ’90s and 2000’s. 

Perhaps most well-known for his research related to the ability to predict divorce rates in couples and marital stability, Dr. Gottman went on to lead pioneering research in the world of marriage and parenting. 

Dr. Gottman’s Work

For more than four decades, Dr. Gottman has been heavily involved in research that centers around his desire to determine, “what makes relationships work,” as so delicately put by an article written by The Atlantic. And in his quest, his numerous accomplishments include setting up and developing “The Love Lab” at the University of Washington, where newlyweds were brought into the lab to have their interactions observed by Gottman and others. From there, Gottman and his colleagues began working on a method to accurately predict instances of divorce amongst married couples. By looking at the various needs and concerns of the newlywed participants, Dr. Gottman was able to determine clear rules that help to inform the success and stability of most relationships.

In the years following The Love Lab, Dr. Gottman engaged in a trial of his own, when he and his wife, Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, partnered together to establish The Gottman Institute. Today, Dr. Gottman continues to focus his work on marriage, parenting, and relationships. Dr. Gottman has gone on to receive numerous awards for his outstanding achievements in the field of relationship science, including Four National Institute of Mental Health Research Scientist Awards. In addition, Dr. Gottman has authored/co-authored more than 200 academic articles and more than 40 books throughout his tremendous career. 


Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman


The Science of Intimacy and Life-Long Attraction