Why Self-Love is the Greatest Gift

Are you concerned that self-love is something you somehow cannot access? Perhaps you feel that it would be somehow selfish to spend time looking after yourself when there is so much else going on, and with so many others seeking your love and care. This is a normal thought process for someone who is a natural nurturer, and it is also very symptomatic of the ‘rush culture’ we experience in Western culture.


Unsure where to begin? The journey starts here and now for you.


The beauty of self-love is that it is truly yours. What other gift in life is so richly abundant and freely available to you, without any reliance on outside factors? Sharing love with another person is an incredible experience, of course. But the relationship you have with yourself is one of the most stunning, unique love you will ever experience. Embrace it for all that it is and all that it offers you.

 Here are 15 reasons why you should joyously embrace self-love from this very moment and far beyond:

1. Self-love sets an example for others.

When you take time to care for yourself and your own wellbeing, you are setting a powerful demonstrative example of self-value. The world needs all the more of this right now.



2. Self-love releases positive energy.

By focusing on nurturing yourself and take good care of who and how you are, you will be removing the anchors of negative energy in your inner self. This can have an instantly positive impact on your daily experiences. 



3. Self-love helps to attract the right people into your life.

If you are at a low ebb, you are more likely to draw emotional vampires and negative people into your space with you. If you can love yourself as you deserve to be, then you will naturally attract individuals into your life that better suit the ‘true’ you, who will be able to help you grow.



4. Self-love is authentic love.

You cannot lie to yourself ultimately. We all have the ability to fool ourselves in a particular way of thinking for some time. But it never lasts for long, and it’s never an authentic belief. Self-love is truly genuine because it comes from our soul and nowhere else. 



5. Self-love is an underrated superpower.

With so much social pressure to succeed in life, there is often a feeling that we need to turn to expensive online courses or accolades to help us to somehow level up. You were born with the superpowers you need - they exist within you, and they are accessed from practices of self-love.



6. Self-love is your key to intimacy.

To be able to love fully and wholeheartedly, you must pour from a full cup. Intimacy operates comparably to this analogy. To develop a more profound sense of familiarity, first, love yourself. The rest will follow naturally from there.



7. Self-love doesn’t cost a penny.

Self-love is found within the self - no outside constructs or invoicing required. You can love yourself fully by merely telling yourself how much you appreciate all you do for the world. Grab a mirror and start now. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll begin to feel a difference.



8. Self-love teaches others how to treat you.

When you neglect yourself, you are communicating to the world that you don’t need or want better standards of care given to you. Teach those around you how you expect to be treated by first loving yourself properly.



9. Self-love is right for your health.

When we are depleted of energy and self-love, we don’t operate at our very best. Immunology is excellent to deal to do with our mental health and wellbeing. Neglecting ourselves can lead to poorer health - nurture yourself, and your overall health will benefit.



10. Self-love will help you get to know yourself.

By turning your attention inwards, you will start to become far more aware of your deeper feelings, including any changes to your desires, ambitions, and dreams. Embrace who you are and how you feel. You’re worth it.



11. Self-love will help others to understand you.

By getting to know yourself better through the process of self-loving practices, you will be able to far more clearly define who you are as you move through your life. Nourish the parts of yourself you want to share, and the right people will connect.



12. Self-love can be a lot of fun.

Self-love is not always a laborious process - it can be as lighthearted as dancing around your living room to an album you used to love long ago, or belly laughing with a brilliant friend of yours. Make it fun, and you’ll be far more likely to do lots more of it.



13. Self-love is not something you can fail at.

Life is full of socioculturally innovative pressure. Let go of any outside intrusion to your honest thoughts to instead embrace a sense of acceptance and celebration for who you are and how you are choosing to live your life. This isn’t a prescribed exam - it’s your personal journey.



14. Self-love is abundant.

The beauty of drawing love from within yourself is that it is a never-ending process. You are drawing from a well with no bottom. You can cultivate as much of this kind of love as you wish, and then some more on top of that. You are not relying on someone else for the measure here.



15. Self-love is a gift to yourself.

The fact you’re reading this shows you are likely a little tired of pouring love outwards, and that perhaps you need some permission to embrace yourself with loving arms. This is your moment to do that. Graciously and soulfully accept the gift you have chosen to present to yourself.

​Helen Victoria

Helen is a professional writer and a qualified relationship expert. She specializes in love health with a keen interest in toxic relationship prevention. Helen is also a social entrepreneur and domestic violence survivor who leads an organization that aims to prevent future abuse by providing educational resources to young people. Her work can be found on her website and: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


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