How to Create Quality Time in Your Relationship

Quality time is one of the five love languages, as coined by the famous author Gary Chapman. This highlights the importance of uninterrupted time with your partner for the health of any relationship.

Here's a closer look at how to spend quality time with your partner and why it's so important.

Signs you need more quality time in your relationship

A relationship shouldn't take up all your time, but you and your partner should also prioritize it. Sometimes, it's challenging to identify whether you or your partner isn't investing enough quality time. However, if any of the signs below sound familiar, it might indicate that investing more time in your relationship should become a priority.

  • You're always on your phones in front of each other

  • You don't know your partner's day-to-day activities

  • You aren't together on important dates, events, and milestones

  • You can't remember the last time you went on a date night

  • You feel disconnected and lack connection

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Why is quality time so important?

Quality time is more than just sitting face-to-face at dinner and chatting about your day. It means putting down the cellphone, turning off the TV, and giving your partner your undivided attention. When you do that, they feel special, heard, and important, as being intentional in your time means you're prioritizing the relationship. Quality time also allows space for communication and intimacy to develop, which improves trust within partners. 

Spending quality time in a relationship provides many benefits. It helps keep the relationship healthy and strong, improves communication and emotional intimacy, creates space for physical intimacy, reduces relationship boredom, and even reduces stress levels!

When done right, quality time can also allow for the expression of your love and care in a physical way. This doesn't necessarily mean sex (although that's great too!), but also hugging, kissing, cuddling, and hand-holding. These are all displays of affection that studies have shown boost partner satisfaction

Here are four ways to create quality time with your spouse or partner.

1. Schedule tech-free time

The rise in social media, Netflix, and internet browsing means we are constantly attached to our mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and TVs. While this is a great way to keep up to date with friends and family and unwind after a long day at work, technology isn't so great for the health of your relationship.

It hurts to share something really important and then realize your partner is only half paying attention because they're browsing Instagram. Make it a conscious habit to put your phone or laptop down after work and when you're spending time with your partner. You don't need to discuss important topics, but this gesture sends a loving message to your partner that you're present, able to give them your undivided attention, and that you value what they have to say.  

2. Try new activities together

While doing the same things day in, day out is effortless and doesn't require much brainpower, it's easy for the routine to become stale. Combat this by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone once in a while and involving your partner in whatever fun activities you want to do. 

These activities don't have to be crazy adventurous or spontaneous, like jumping out of a plane with a parachute. Even exploring a part of the city you've never been to before, trying out a new restaurant, taking a small road trip, or attending an art workshop can be exciting. Trying out new activities bonds couples as it promotes partners to rely on each other and creates happy memories they can one day look back on.

3. Have regular date nights

While it's fun to try something new every now and then, planning a set routine can be just as fun and rewarding. Intentionally setting aside a date night once a week, or every fortnight, can build anticipation for both parties and strengthen the connection. Life can get busy sometimes, and with so many commitments trying to steal our attention, it's even more important to set aside time for those we love. 

Date nights can be as simple as playing a board game with a glass of wine or having a movie marathon. You can also go to a movie theater or grab a bite to eat at a nice place. The best part about date nights is that they're completely customizable, based on what both of you like to do. 

4. Cook meals together

If both your schedules are hectic, cooking meals together can be an excellent way to get present while also having lots of fun. While you get creative over dinner, you can both share what happened during your day, play some music, pour a glass of your favorite drink, and be completely present in the kitchen.

Cooking meals together can also promote teamwork. The more you support and help each other, the stronger the bond becomes. You don't need to cook a fancy three-course meal, and if the idea of spending several hours cooking after a long day at work is already tiring you out, a simple, tried-and-true recipe you've cooked many times will still do the trick!

The bottom line

Spending quality time with your partner is a vital part of keeping a relationship healthy and thriving. While we can't avoid the hustle and bustle of modern life, intentionally setting aside time to be completely present should be prioritized. 

Create space for quality time in your relationship, and you'll feel closer to your partner in no time.


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