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How to be Sexually Candid
Communication Couple Summit Team Communication Couple Summit Team

How to be Sexually Candid

Be honest. Do you know how to talk about sex with your partner? If yes,  how much do you talk about it? Our society does little to nothing to encourage sexual candor, even between long-term partners. Our society does not encourage it. However, talking about sex really does help you have better sex and a better relationship. It's a vital part of gaining sexual confidence.

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7 Ways To Keep Your Sex Life Alive During The Holidays
Activities Alex Shea Activities Alex Shea

7 Ways To Keep Your Sex Life Alive During The Holidays

The holidays are super stressful. The only way to get through them is to find some peace of mind somewhere in the middle of all that chaos. And one of the ways to do that is to, you know, have sex. Many people don't realize how powerful sex can be. We want you to know that having sex during the holidays isn’t as inconvenient as it’s made out to be.

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